Why Formula Feeders Visit Breastfeeding Websites

I am often asked: Why do formula feeders frequent breastfeeding sites? Why do they trawl through breastfeeding-related discussions only to declare that the process made them feel guilty? Why would a grown adult put themselves in this situation, a situation which is clearly triggering? In this post, I’ll explain the reason behind this bizarre phenomenon. I'm talking about the green-eyed bitch: Envy: noun a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck ( Oxford English Dictionary 2013 ). In short, formula feeders specifically seek out pro-breastfeeding stimuli because they are envious, or should I say, defensive formula feeders do this. Extremes of envy are not universal amongst all formula feeders, rather, those partial to defensiveness are aptly prone to envy. In a previous post ' How to Spot a Defensive Formula Feeder ' I described the tendency of defensive formula feeders (DFFs) to actively seek out contact with br...