Triumphant Tuesday: Breastfeeding a Baby with a Gut Disorder

Severe projectile vomiting in young babies can be the sign of a gut disorder called Pyloric Stenosis. This is where the tube connecting the baby’s stomach to their gut grows rapidly thicker until it becomes so thick that the stomach can no longer empty properly. The condition is often accompanied by constant hunger, belching, and colic. If left untreated it can lead to severe dehydration. It is not known exactly what causes Pyloric Stenosis, and distinguishing it from reflux or gastroenteritis is hard for the novice parent. So when Rebecca, a first time mother, discovered her breastfed baby was suddenly vomiting, she was confused. When does spitting up move from a laundry problem to a medical one? When does spitting up mean something serious? “I guess I always knew that I would breastfeed to the point where I didn't go to any antenatal classes, I just thought 'well how hard can it be '? After a long and difficult labour that ended up in a theatre-forceps delivery I embarked...