Triumphant Tuesday - Exclusive pumping to exclusive nursing

Sometimes occasions arise which prevent a mom from being able to nurse her baby. Many mothers who have a baby who cannot or will not latch, for whatever reason, resign their breastfeeding dreams to failure folder and reach straight for formula. There is a more baby-friendly option however, and one that doesn’t seem to get the support or acknowledgment it deserves: exclusive pumping. When faced with receiving breast milk, or not, method of delivery often becomes a moot issue. Many exclusively pumping mothers are doing the best they can in the situation they find themselves. However, situations evolve. Lots of pumping moms dream of sacking the pump in favour of exclusive nursing. The following story details one mom’s journey from one end of the spectrum to the other. “When I was pregnant with my son I wasn't sure I wanted to breastfeed, since I had failed to breastfeed my daughter in the past. But time waits for no mom, at 35 weeks pregnant I woke up to regular contractions ranging ...