Triumphant Tuesday - Breastfeeding With Hypothyroidism and Postpartum Depression

Experts now consider thyroid hormone one of the major ‘players’ in depression. Unfortunately, problems with the thyroid, which are more common in women, often go undiagnosed. Then, when a woman reaches her childbearing years, this can cause extra problems with fertility, pregnancy and lactation. For instance, did you know that thyroid hormones play an integral role in mammary function? During lactation, they aid in the regulation of both prolactin and oxytocin. Thus, excess thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) has been linked to inhibited letdown , for example. Depression and thyroid disorders are often quoted as reasons why moms quit breastfeeding. However, it doesn’t have to end that way, as this brave mother illustrates… “Back in 2009, I was very sick. The doctors diagnosed me with Graves Disease, an autoimmiune condition, and told me that I may not be able to have children . I wasn't even able to go on walks because my disease had started affecting my heart. To improve things, I h...