Optimum Family Size - The Facts

How many children should I have? It’s the question that plagues many of us breeders. Some never fully resolve the budding uncertainty of the “What If…” conundrum. What if I have just one more? What if I stop at the traditional two? What if I don’t give my child any siblings at all? This article will help to alleviate those concerns using leading sociological, economical and even physiological research. 1 CHILD: The pros: The percentage of women having only one child has nearly doubled over a generation ( Kelley 2007 ). In fact, only children are America’s fastest growing family demographic ( Hass 1999 ) so your kid will not be as unusual as they would have been a generation ago. Much of the stigma has been consigned to history ( Blair 2013 ). Only-children tend to have more successes in life. Only-children tend to have a higher proportion of successes in life and that they tend to have higher I.Q.'s than any other family setup ( Goleman 1985 ). Parents outnumber children. Your exis...