15 Things You Never Knew About Your Tits
Only 50% of women actually feel letdown. 1. Feeling Letdown: Fifty per cent of women will know the moment it happens, the other 50 per cent won’t ( Fredregill 2004 ). 2. Leaking Littles: Large breasts actually leak less than smaller breasts ( Fredregill 2004 ). 3. Righty FTW: Milk output is often greater from the right breast versus the left breast ( Riordan 2008 ), even though right-handed mothers instinctively use the right-hand to position the baby and breast, thereby making it easier to feed from the left breast. 4. Superior Sugars: Human milk gets more of its energy content from lactose than any other animal milk. Lactose gives your milk a sweet taste and won’t cause diarrhoea, as the processed sugars in formula often do. 5. Boner: Weaning stimulates your body to increase bone density, meaning your post-lactation bones will be stronger than they would have been if you had never breastfed at all! Nifty. ( Williams 2013 ). 6. Camouflaged Cups: Cotton tops...